So...I'm a clean freak & I have a few things I do all the time that make 'deep' cleaning faster & easier. I have a friend that asked me if I'd share, so here we go. These sound simple but they are a lot of little things people don't do and it makes more work later, and can make your house look dirty. I will do a 3 part series. . .the 'everyday' stuff, the 'regular scheduled' stuff, & the 'deep cleaning' stuff.
~when you see a spill, clean it NOW. If you put if off it won't get done. This means: in the fridge, on the leg of a chair, on the stove, in the microwave, down the side of the garbage can, on the end table etc. (by doing this you'll never have 'clean out' the fridge, microwave etc. because they will always be clean)
~hang all cloths to dry-do NOT leave them wadded up. Letting them DRY will keep stink out longer. (I use micro fiber cloths and prefer Norwex) (IF you do get stinky cloths use vinegar through your washer-this will clean out your washer and get the funk out of your cloths and towels-I do this every few months on all my towels and cloths 'just in case')
~clean the sink every time you use it. When your in the kitchen and wiping down counters, when you rinse out your cloth, wipe down the sink. In the bathroom when you wash your hands or brush your teeth quickly wipe down the sink before finishing. (This is a MUST at homes with small children. Toothpaste, sand, you name it, it gets left in the sink.) I also make my kids do the same thing when I am with them helping them to help make it a habit.
~leave Clorox wipes in bathroom so you can wipe down the toilet when needed. (With little boys this is more often the not...)
~hose down shower when you finish showering, that way grime doesn't have time to grow.
~don't wear shoes that you wear outside inside. Carrying in dirt and grossness make for more vacuuming and sweeping. & honestly think about where you walk...public restrooms...enough said.
~get a small hand vac and vacuum under the table after every meal. (Or you can sweep-I hate sweeping) this only takes a few minutes, but you will find you only need to mop once every few weeks by keeping things off the floor and not getting stepped on and ground in. (this also makes a HUGE difference in how clean your kitchen appears and feels)
~clean as you cook. Wash dishes as you go. If you can't wash the dishes as you go at least rinse/soak them so food doesn't get hard and crusty and harder to wash. (Or load the dishes in the dishwasher if you have one...I don't) Wipe up spills as you go, put away mixer when done using it, etc.
~THROW AWAY CRAP & file necessary paper. Don't let papers and mail clutter an area. Have a place for everything-if you don't have a place-make a place.
~If you have small children, have a place for their toys to go. If you have a 'stash' of living room toys, have a storage space for them to go so that you can have them put away when they aren't being used. This will help your room feel less cluttered and more like a living room then a play room.
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